Blog Entry #2

We’ve had a busy few days as of late and made so many new memories. I’ve been taking photos and videos of everything to document it well and when we have a slow moment, which isn’t very often, I look through my camera roll and get to relive those moments! Since the previously mentioned tours and experiences, we've completed our project with SCU students. In just a few short days, each team was able to respond to the cultural hackathon prompt with our found materials that we purchased on Taiyuan Road and create something that represented our shared perspective of Taiwanese culture. Although we all felt a bit pressured with such a short time frame for our projects, we all persevered and accomplished our goals! After presenting our projects, we all celebrated our hard work with a delicious brunch meal and dessert at ACME where we all were in awe of the interior design and architecture of the building. My personal favorite aspect of the building was the giant floor-to-ceiling wavy wall made of clear material. We ended the night as a group enjoying the nightlife of Taipei and laughing all night. 

On Friday, we finally enjoyed a much needed day off from any schedule and slept in. Some of us shopped at Taipei 101 while others hiked or got a perm. Pfeifer, Sydney, and I gathered early in the day and devoured some food and bubble tea before shopping along the nearby streets. Later in the day we decided to join some of our classmates at Taipei 101 and have dinner there. Taipei 101 was such a popular destination, that it took us a couple tries before finding a restaurant inside that wasn’t fully booked for the night. After dinner, some of our friends did laundry at a nearby 24 hour laundromat near the hotel while the rest of us packed and went to bed early as we knew a long day awaited us. 

Today is Saturday and we had an early morning in order for us to make the 8:45 am train from Taipei to Tainan where we will spend the next two weeks of our study abroad trip. The train was incredibly spacious with tons of leg room and a seat that could recline far back. I wish all planes and transportation were this comfortable! After eating breakfast on the train, I took a short nap and woke up as we pulled into a Tainan. We then took a taxi with two students at a time to the Academy Hotel where we took a break before walking to National Cheng Kung University which was only a 5 minute walk away. We arrived at the large and beautiful campus and had lunch in the classroom before our NCKU classmates joined us. After the introductory presentations by both staff and students from both schools, the NCKU students gave us a tour of the campus where we got to see one of the libraries, the dorms, several architecture and design buildings, as well as all the animals that can be found on the campus. We all stopped to take pictures of these birds that were on a grassy field that were shaped like bowling pins and walked slowly. Following the tour, we completed the grouping process and got to get to know our NCKU group members more in depth before beginning our next project on Monday. For dinner today, a group of us walked to a nearby Thai restaurant where we feasted so well we could hardly walk back to the hotel

So many motorcycles everywhere!

Prototyping our project

Taipei 101

View of campus from industrial design building

Very hungry and waiting for our food!


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